Did it for an art challenge,never finished it.This are the kind of feelings i have when i see some guys being too nice to my sis.Makes me pretty mad >:C
I'm having trouble with the web site lately.. I try to upload things and it just stuck in the uploading page instead of posting the pic. Anyway this is one of ma favorite drawing from inktober. Let me know witch one of my inktober drawings is your favotire in the comments!
Since Killer whales is about to be exterminated, I gave a whale some wings. Now he can fly away to a better place without pollution and plastic from human beings. Well, sad but true. Its on us. At least I can give it some attention here. The whale is now on my Society6 page.
Done with dip pen and black Talens Indian ink. The dip pen is very old, 1967, I used it at school when I was 10. The next year we started to use fountain pens. Only the nib I used was ofcourse new.